Introduction Optical character recognition (OCR) is the electronic identification and digital encoding of typed or printed text by means of an optical scanner and specialized software. About the Project In today’s world there is a huge use of electronic document than physical documents. For that OCR is one of the best technologies for reading scanned image and convert it into a digital character-based format. We know that there are so many OCR available for the English language with the high accuracy, but for the Gujarati language there is OCR available but not that much accurate. It is very difficult to find proper Gujarati printed alphabets separately. So, for Gujarati OCR there is still work going on. These are the basic alphabet of the Gujarati language that is used in the sentences and to talk all around the Gujarat state. These are the vowels used with alphabet k . There is a total of 11 vowels. We are going to collect all the possible characters of ...